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Rahul Agarwal: NLP Text classification series

标题 内容
Prat1 Text Preprocessing Methods for Deep Learning This one will be based on preprocessing techniques that work with Deep learning models and we will also talk about increasing embeddings coverage.
Prat2 Conventional Methods for Text Classification In this post, I will try to take you through some basic conventional models like TFIDF, Count Vectorizer, Hashing etc. that have been used in text classification and try to access their performance to create a baseline.
Prat3 Attention, CNN and what not for Text Classification In this post, I delve deeper into Deep learning models and the various architectures we could use to solve the text Classification problem. To make this post platform generic, I am going to code in both Keras and Pytorch.
Prat4 Transfer Learning Intuition for Text Classification In this post, I will try to use ULMFit model which is a transfer learning approach for NLP.

What Kagglers are using for Text Classification
